musings of a goddazz

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Star At A Wedding

I took leave today to attend a good friend's wedding. It was well timed as I badly needed a break. Before this I had been suffering from tension headaches everyday (even on weekends!) and extreme fatigue, all stress-induced and self-induced. Silly me, but more on that later...

I felt a little ambivalent about attending the wedding dinner. On the one hand, I was really excited about seeing my already chiobu friend transform into a stunning bride and of course, the prospect of a yummy eight course (or was it ten?) dinner is enough to cheer up a weary soul. On the other hand, I wasn't too thrilled by the possibility of sitting down to a table of strangers, who might, horror of horrors, be downright boring or anything else I cannot imagine.

As it turned out, I spotted only one acquaintance at the dinner and sat down to a table of complete strangers. But they were pleasant (and dare I say interesting, lively and humorous!) enough and I found myself chatting merrily to at least half the table. The usual 'get to know you' topics surfaced, like 'are you working and where' and 'how do you know the bride/groom'. In the midst of my conversation with the lady sitting next to me, I revealed that I was experiencing burnout at work and that it was causing my 'blueness'. Her simple but insightful reply really struck a chord in me, and because of what she said, I crown her the star at the wedding (to me only of course, no offence to the bride!). The star because she was my light in the greying shades (not darkness--I was nowhere near that kind of desperation). It may sound cheesy and cliched to you, but I can't think of a better metaphor at the moment. Your suggestions are welcome! How about silver ball (it's a sweet in case you don't know) on the wedding cake? Haha, I can never stop thinking about food ;p

Anyhow, she said that in life, we only have two choices. To laugh or to cry. She said she chose to laugh (she really did laugh alot, haha!). You may say that's over-simplifying things, but she has a point. She also reminded me to remain strong in faith. The gist--If you think about what Jesus has suffered, there really isn't anything to be unhappy about. If anybody in this world should be unhappy, it should be God. However intolerable one's suffering, it cannot be worse than our Lord's crucifixion and dying on the cross. He has conquered all and therefore He will win the battle for us. Not that I don't know this already, but I just needed someone to say it to my face. I needed a reminder.

Thank God for this angel who said the right thing at the right time! I was so moved that I told her she was truly a gift from God, sent specially to sit beside me and remind me of His loving presence.

I left the dinner still a little tired but with a lighter heart. The company was great (must add that her husband's a real joker!), the food was a 7/10 (which is pretty gd!) and the bride (it seems I totally forgot about her but no!) was radiant in an unflashy (though glittering!) copper cheongsam. Must mention that she looked HONEST TO MY HEART *STUNNING* in her wedding photos. Overheard a guest saying that she posed like a professional model. To the bride: didn't know you're such a good flirt with the camera. Then again, we learn new things everyday ;0)


  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger happyhannon said…

    haha reading your post, i guess you must have talked to claire and her husband boaz? if so, Boaz is really crazily funny and unpretentiously profound when he gets serious.
    sorry i've been under the radar these few weeks. trying to get used to school and married life. i still feel like i've tons of things to do even when i'm on holiday!
    SEE U ON FRI..


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