musings of a goddazz

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Wonders of a Course

I was *SO* looking forward to my three-day course, beginning today, because as you would've gathered from my 13 May post, I was experiencing burnout. I got up today feeling significantly different. Somehow I felt more energetic. For a minute, I was like, where did that headache go? Strange too that despite the energy, I felt full and didn't eat breakfast. Those of you who know me know how much I love food and that I never skip breakfast. So it was a strange feeling, but nevertheless, I digress...

What a refreshing break from the office to just sit and take in what the lecturers were saying. And it wasn't just listening, but seeing how what they were saying tied in so closely with my work. I found out how to do things better and it gave me a much-needed 'rejuvenation shot' in the butt. I thought, hey, I'm going to go back to the office refreshed and though not an eager beaver (heaven forbid!), at least I'd feel positive about getting into gear again.

On top of that, the food was just *GREAT*, with the participants pigging out at the coffeehouse buffet for 2 out of the 3 lunches! They really fed us well and for tea breaks (morning and afternoon!), we had super fudgey rich brownies, curry puffs to beat Old Chang Kee and cheesecake that melted in our mouths and diffused into our tongues. I also had a good time chatting with the very amiable and open participants, who gladly shared their experiences during the sessions.

Praise God for this wonderful break :)! Bursting with gratefulness, I attended evening mass in thanksgiving after the course ended at 5pm. Was blessed with peace, serenity and the hope that there is a God who's holding my hand no matter what happens.


What really was icing on the cake was on the second day when three ladies complimented me on my dressing. I was very suitably coordinated, with a sky blue skirt, neon sky blue dangly earrings (disco look, but fine on me in the office), white shirt, white handbag and pale green flat pumps that make me look like a girl in the meadows. Short of squealing (these are adults trying to contain their excitement), they said I looked '*so* pretty and sweet'. One of them even remarked that I looked like I was going to shoot an MTV! Ok I think that's really pushing it, but I hope you see why coordination counts. It sure made me feel like a million bucks and of course, a true goddazz as always :-P


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