musings of a goddazz

Thursday, May 19, 2005

so cannot make it

What a blur sotong blogger I am! Some of you may have read my very first post 'Convert to the Blogging World', but sad to say I deleted the entire blog by accident. Before that, as an excited little virgin to the blogging world (and to Blogger), I happily created about five or six blogs all with the same title. In short, I went a little wild trying to figure out how things work and ended up with some embarrassing blunders, *blushes*.

I am proud to say that as of today, I have made significant progress. I now know how to delete blogs created out of sheer excitement and to put up a new one to replace the old. That's why you're reading this now (just in case you are as cannot make it as me ;p).

Does anyone want to help me out by telling me how to retrieve 'Convert to the Blogging World'? *looks at you with pleading eyes*


  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    hihi ice-goddazz :D i tried looking your old post in search engines, hoping it'd be cached but no lehh..


    glad you've got your blog up and running despite the initial hiccups tho!

  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger goddazz said…

    hi hi aemii! what a wonderful thing it is to find you on the Net :) and a most pleasant surprise too to see you post a comment to my very first post. too bad it's lost forever. good thing is you're not! hope to catch up with you in real life some time. meanwhile, we can always check on each other via our own blogs, heh. *ice fingers on your neck*


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