musings of a goddazz

Monday, August 14, 2006

Kaka -- The Love of My Childhood

Does anybody remember this?

I had my first taste of Kaka after 19 long years last week. I wouldn't describe it as heavenly, but it sure brought back many beautiful memories. It all started out like this...

Long ago when I was schooling at PAP kindergarten, Ah Ma (my maternal grandma) used to pick me up from school and on the way home, we would pass the provision shop which always had Kaka prominently displayed on its shelves. There were three flavours--chicken, durian (yes, DURIAN!) and unfortunately, I can't remember the last one. If you are a diehard Kaka lover, pray reveal the mystery flavour! My all-time favourite was and will always be, chicken.

I don't know what made me so hooked onto this snack. Maybe it was because Ah Ma would only let me have it once a week (when I was a good girl), just like I could only have Myojo instant noodles once a week. Or maybe it just couldn't compare to any other snack! I like to think it's a combination of both.

Kaka disappeared from the provision shops when I entered primary school and since its disappearance, I thought I had lost it forever. So sad--my $0.30 weekly indulgence obliterated from the face of the earth! I stopped hoping, but whenever I passed the spot where it used to be sold, my heart never stopped yearning.

Boy heard of my love affair and decided to find it for me. Apparently he'd seen it in some provision shops in the heartland. My heart skipped a beat, but I didn't hope too much. When he presented it to me after we broke up, I cried and cried. Here it was in front of my eyes--that same old chilli red packet with the two chickens and lollipop design. Retro as ever and to me, totally VINTAGE!

So it was with much excitement that I popped the first Kaka ball into my mouth. The Kaka ball was light, puffy and crisp, and to my surprise, lightly salted. It seems that the manufacturer has changed just one thing--making it healthier :)! Ok lah, slightly healthier. Kaka is still artificially flavoured.

Thank you, Boy, for keeping your promise to find Kaka for me. Now every time I pick up a Kaka packet, I will be reminded of the sweet childlike innocence of our relationship, one of the many fond memories I will always have of our time together.

Seeing that the Kaka packet design is a real classic, I am thinking it's not a bad idea to print it on a T-shirt. A Kaka tee would be like a walking ad for an Asian Frito Lay. And you can bet I'll be the first one to wear it. Anyone keen to join the Kaka Fan Club :P?


  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think the last flavour was corn. well every snack at that time seemed to be either chicken or corn.. ?

  • At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    e last flavour was vegetable

  • At 1:24 AM, Blogger goddazz said…

    am quite sure the last flavour was not vegetable. it was savoury though. thanks jules and m for helping to unearth the mystery flavour, which is still a mystery at the moment :P

  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger Mriz Sidah said…

    it was vegetabel which was yellow..and theres a green one with a hippo if i remember correctly.
    that was a long time ago and anyways i only got unto this cos i was doing a bit of research on Kaka, Dingdong and stuff. And the pple at Kinos were nice enough to tell me about all this. so maybe if u like they migh thave photoproofs. haha

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Mriz Sidah said…

    yeah its vergetable! whhich is yellow and they had a green one with e hippo or some shit on it. an di think thats supposed to be some weird as flavour. sweet but not sure wat. anwyas i am only on this cos i was doing some research on Kaka and stuff and th epple at Kinos wer enice neough to share. u shud write in to them to solve your mystery sunshine. laters.


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