musings of a goddazz

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Sale Worth Waiting For

Once a year, for a month, something happens on our tiny island to make our women (and men!) go a little crazy. No it's not the John Little Sale, but the GREAT SINGAPORE SALE!!! More and more I am beginning to think they (the Singapore Tourism Board and gang) didn't call it 'great' for nothing. Everywhere prices are slashed so liberally that the shopper in you just cannot resist picking up something. And it has to be great because nothing can force couch potatoes to do an Orchard Rd marathon cum boost to the economy.

The sale began last Friday and I didn't get terribly excited until my colleague fished out The Straits Times' Great Singapore Sale special, flipped through it and alerted the entire office to a hot pink bag at a red hot price. Coincidentally, Friday was also Eat With Your Family Day and so we were given the permission to leave office at 4.30. Yes, you can guess what I'm going to say already... the shopaholics in us decided to use the opportunity to hit the stores and just go crazy. As luck would have it, I didn't manage to leave till 6 (shall not go into the details here lest it becomes a ranting and raving session), which made me all the more eager to head for the shops. My loot for the day was just a $9.90 (U.P. $26.90) passion fruit body scrub from Body Shop, but it was thrilling enough to make me go on a spree over the weekend. The damage: $134.78 for the scrub, 3 tops, a skirt, a pair of earrings and a pair of slippers. And guess what? I STILL WANT MORE!

That's the power of this great sale. It spreads the disease of compulsive buying like SARS. And even the men are not spared from the madness. On my frenzied spree on Saturday, I noticed so many glum-faced men holding bags, their blank stares shooting through the shop windows. Poor guys! Imagine how they have to tolerate this, and not for a month, but two (this year's sale is EXTENDED)!

To all the shopaholics out there, this is your day. But pace yourself as it's going to be eight weeks of jostling with the crowd, aching calves and yes let's not forget, dwindling bank accounts. As for me, I think I better lay off the malls for a bit. But today Perlini's Silver just sent me a 50% discount voucher for ANYTHING in their store, so looks like the cycle is gonna repeat itself. Watch this space for more damage ;-P


  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger happyhannon said…

    but im so broke liao! spent all the moolah in tokyo and now have to save up for the renovation.. practicalities of life for u.. u have fun anyway! :P

  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    bdae girl!!! *throws the confetti*

    ooo, and let us know what bargains you stumble upon during the Sale! work those arms.. i hear that jostling works best if you carry oversized backpacks and various amounts of shopping bags in each hand as you plough through the human traffic ^.*


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