musings of a goddazz

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Lazy Leisurely Saturday :)

Today was one of the most pleasant Saturdays I've ever had in a long time, save for the 33 degrees sweltering heat. I bought an intricate embroidered bag for $29.50 (YES YES it was 50% off, this sale is terrific!!!) from Urban Warehouse at Orchard Emerald and that put me in a real good mood, albeit slightly guilty for the unanticipated expense.

My boyfriend and I decided to go to Tanjong Pagar and check out the eateries there for lunch instead of heading for boring old Orchard/City Hall/Bugis and getting bumped into by the crowds. It was a wise decision as Tanjong Pagar was quiet and sleepy and there was hardly anybody walking in the area.

We had a leisurely lunch at a Korean restaurant along Peck Seah Street and had the whole place to ourselves. We got to sit on the floor with cushions. The food was also delicious and came in generous portions. I learnt that in Korean restaurants in Korea, every meal comes with appetizers that may even be topped up with no additional charge. At this restaurant we got five appetizers including the ubiquitous kimchi. That's wonderful! Now if only Chinese restaurants could serve more than just peanuts and pickles.

After lunch we strolled from Tanjong Pagar into Chinatown passing an interesting mix of shops that included Dermalogica and Tong Heng which sells traditional Chinese pastries such as egg tarts and lao3 puo2 bing3. We also glanced through Thieves Market, which is a little alley opposite China Square where people lay all sorts of things on the ground for sale, ranging from old Nokia phones to yellowing Chinese romance novels. Quite interesting and worth a visit if you're in the area.

The afternoon was so enjoyable because it was simple and leisurely and I like the idea of walking around aimlessly without a plan. The heat proved too much to bear, though, and we took an air-con break in the McDonald's at Circular Road. Desperate for a drink, I bought Heaven and Earth's new white tea from 7-Eleven nearby and found it to be delightfully refreshing. Try try, I recommend! Less sweet than bottled green tea, lighter than jasmine tea and with a very pleasant floral essence.

From the 7-Eleven we parted ways, I to the Arts House to view an Australian glass exhibition and my boyfriend to meet up with his friends. It was a pleasant surprise to run into an acquaintance of mine in the bookshop of the Arts House and we chatted for a good 20 minutes. For those of you who don't know, the bookshop Earshot was set up to promote Singapore literature. It doesn't aim to make profits but simply to provide a platform for Singapore writers to promote their work. Earshot's prices are similar to those in major bookstores here and one can have a cuppa or meal while browsing through the volumes (the bookshop and restaurant are one). They've got books on MM Lee, Mrs Lee's Cookbook, books on Singapore's history, comics and even Stefanie Sun concert DVDs. Great idea I think but hopefully it'll pull off. There are also plans to showcase local artists once a month. For example, local bands can apply to play there. The Arts House is within walking distance of my workplace, so it's pretty convenient to hop over for a $6.60 set lunch, to watch a movie or view an exhibition. Am looking forward to more programmes as a result of this new initiative.

The day ended with a dinner treat from a friend at the quaint, luxurious and very tai tai V Tea Room at the Esplanade. The V Tea Room is situated at street level diagonally opposite Harry's Bar and near the pushcart stalls. Am impressed how every effort is made to create a Venetian experience here. Sitting in a carved chair with curly legs, I felt like I was in a European cafe. The waitresses' uniforms are black with white aprons, the walls are adorned with fancy dress party masks and the furniture is very European. Each table is decorated not with a vase of flowers but with three red rose petals arranged in a triangle. Reservations are also indicated by placing a half-body mannequin on the seat. This is one upmarket place with a refillable pot of tea for two at $12++ and cakes between $7.50-$15++ a piece! The more expensive ones have liqueur such as Bailey's in them. The service staff are friendly, very attentive and truly delighted to serve customers. It was refreshing to experience such good service. I also like the tea tray that they use to serve each table. Among the items on the tray are white and brown sugar cubes and even dried longans that are supposed to go with tea.

My friend and I shared the omelette loaf with bacon, the winter pear cake with vanilla ice cream and a pot of macadamia bourbon tea. The food was not fantastic (7 out of 10) but the tea had a pleasant vanilla and orange aroma and was wonderfully sweet on the palate. I'll be coming back again, but only after I receive my bonus. Excellent place for pampering a loved one, for a romantic date or an afternoon tea with a close friend. Be prepared to spend about $20 odd per person for a meal and dessert or below $20 for tea and cake. I only wish they had Coffee Bean prices ;P


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