musings of a goddazz

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Faith conquers all. Cliched but true. The woman in the wheelchair in Singapore Gaga who sings and sells tissue paper at MRT stations is one such example. The film shows her singing her 'Jesus songs' with such joy and enthusiasm. I can't imagine myself doing something like that. Not that I'm endorsing what she does. In fact I don't totally approve of it because it would definitely piss off some non-Christians. But her simple, unwavering faith in God has really touched me. In the film, she says that she doesn't sell much tissue paper every day and to pass the time, she sings her 'Jesus songs' to make herself feel happy. At the end of the day, even if her sales are poor, she doesn't feel so bad because 'God always provides'. She even urged Tan Pin Pin to believe in Jesus as 'you will be very happy. I am not lying to you'.

This woman's faith in divine providence is truly admirable. She leads a simple life and it doesn't matter whether or not her sales are poor. She's just happy to sing her 'Jesus songs'. Can I do that? More often than not, when things go wrong at work (and they did on Friday), I sink into a little pit and fret for a bit, wondering if I can get through the next few days. I know I need to trust in the Lord's providence and saving power, but I often fall short. I'm now inspired by this woman who's shown that one can be happy even in dire consequences as long as one has simple faith. Lord, grant me this simple faith in you, that I might not waver in the face of adversity, but instead triumph above all odds and give you glory.


  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Curious Servant said…

    I was in the neighborhood and I stopped by for a bit to read your blog.

    I thought I'd just leave a note that I wa here.

    Have a good day.

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger goddazz said…

    Hi curious servant. Thanks for saying hi. Hope you enjoy reading my blog. You're welcome to give me feedback on it any time. You have a good day as well :)


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